Options for Replacing Missing Teeth: What Treatments are Recommended?

Options for Replacing Missing Teeth: What Treatments are Recommended? from River Falls Family Dental in New Albany, INWhile people cannot always prevent losing a tooth, there are multiple options for replacing missing teeth. Whether tooth loss is caused by gum disease, an accident, or a genetic condition, it can harm your physical well-being as well as your mental health. It’s common to feel self-conscious if you have a noticeably missing tooth, and this can give one self-esteem issues or even result in the individual wanting to go out in public less. This loss of self-esteem can result in social isolation or anxiety when out in public.

Physical issues with missing teeth

If you lose a tooth, not replacing it is not an option for several reasons. A missing tooth can lead to several issues, including:

  • Gum and jawbone deterioration are a higher risk.
  • Increased chance of gum infection.
  • Missing teeth could lead to misalignment of other teeth.

Anytime you have a missing tooth, you put yourself at risk for any of the above diseases and complications. Read on to see a few of the best options for replacing missing teeth.

Dental implants vs. dentures

Dental implants and dentures are the two most common options for replacing missing teeth. While dentures remain number one, dental implants are not far behind in terms of popularity. Dentures are a removable set of teeth that usually come in a full or partial set. These are most commonly used when someone is missing multiple teeth in a row or needs all of their teeth replaced due to gum disease or jaw weakness.


Dentures are another option for replacing missing teeth. They are usually cheaper than dental implants and are ideal for someone who wants to take their teeth out at night. The downside of dentures is that they tend to slip out while eating or talking if they are not fitted properly. Dentures can also lead to infection if they are too loosely fitted, and they must also be cleaned regularly to avoid gum infection.

Dental implants

Dental implants are a popular alternative to dentures and are quickly becoming a top option for replacing missing teeth. The main difference between dentures and dental implants is that implants are surgically inserted into the gum cavity and are permanent once implanted. Dental implants are easier to maintain, and though they are more expensive than dentures initially, they are cheaper in the long run. Implants lead to fewer gum infections and fewer visits to the dentist. If you are debating between dentures and implants, it is wise to ask your dentist what they recommend.

What are some cost-efficient options for replacing missing teeth?

While dentures and dental implants are the two most popular options for replacing missing teeth, there are other options available that may be easier on your wallet.

Implant-supported bridge

An implant-supported bridge is ideal for missing multiple teeth in a row. The two teeth on the outside of the missing row are surgically implanted while the rest of the missing teeth are anchored to them. This is often a cheaper alternative to dentures or implants.

Tooth-supported bridge

A tooth-supported bridge works similarly to an implant-supported bridge. Instead of your missing teeth being anchored to implants, they are anchored to existing teeth if available. Once again, these are cheaper and less invasive than implants or dentures.


A flipper is a temporary set of dentures that can be easily removed when desired. Flippers are also cheaper and more painless than dentures.

Replace your missing teeth

Do not hesitate to replace your missing teeth. There are various options for replacing missing teeth. Our team can help you choose the right replacement.

Request an appointment or call River Falls Family Dental at 812-962-7342 for an appointment in our New Albany office.

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