4 FAQs About Implant Supported Dentures

Implant Supported Dentures New Albany, IN

Implant supported dentures have taken the world of dentistry by storm. Although some people still choose the more conventional type, the implanted version offers some incredible benefits. If you need dentures, take time to educate yourself about this possibility. You will discover some interesting information.

What are implant supported dentures?

Instead of a person wearing dentures taken out every night to soak, the implanted ones remain firmly in place. These dentures reside on titanium screws implanted into the patient’s jawbone. Once the two fuse, the dental professional attaches the dentures. When done, the individual has teeth that look and function completely normal.

When compared to traditional dentures, the implanted version has several key benefits. For one thing, these are permanent. That also eliminates any slippage that could lead to an embarrassing moment. Consequently, talking and eating is a breeze.

Questions people ask the most

People ask far more questions than the four listed. However, these represent the ones they want answers to the most. Although a dental professional will provide a wealth of information, it never hurts to do research. That will help an individual decide if implant supported dentures are right for them.

1.Is the procedure painful?

Actually, no. A patient may experience some discomfort and swelling for a few days after the procedure. However, few have unbearable pain. For those, the dental professional can prescribe medication to help. During the procedure, the dentist numbs the patient’s mouth and sometimes, gives them something to relax. As a result, people do not feel anything.

Unfortunately, a lot of people equate pain with visiting a dental clinic. Thanks to advanced techniques, there is no reason to worry. Even having a cavity filled is far less uncomfortable than years ago. The process involved with implant supported dentures is relatively simple. Any pain experienced is easily managed.

2.Do the implants last a lifetime?

Believe it or not — yes, they do. Once the titanium screws fuse to the jawbone, they remain in place. The same goes for the dentures. If a patient needs the screws relined or a cracked tooth fixed, the process is easy. Made of strong and long-lasting porcelain, these dentures can last a person 30 years, often longer.

3.How successful are implants?

Due to improved materials and advanced placement techniques, implant supported dentures have a high rate of success. That, combined with these lasting a lifetime, makes them a great choice. Things only get better considering these dentures look, feel and function amazingly well.

4.Who makes a good candidate?

As with a lot of dental procedures, people must meet the qualifying criteria for implant supported dentures. Fortunately, most do. The main criterion is having a strong and healthy jawbone. Although a dental professional can also do a bone graft to provide the implants with a solid foundation. A dentist will determine if an individual qualifies for this during a consultation.

Making the right decision

If you qualify for implant supported dentures, you will love the outcome. Because there is a short healing period, you will look and feel amazing in no time. Just think, having a beautiful smile without the mess of adhesives. Talk to your dentist today.

Request an appointment here: https://riverfallsfamilydental.com or call River Falls Family Dental at (812) 962-7342 for an appointment in our New Albany office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Implant Supported Dentures in New Albany, IN.

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